Excellence OF
Scott Brodeur is a space command and control expert. The only officer to command the Joint Space Operations Center, Combined Space Operations Center, and National Space Defense Center.
He’s an experienced combat veteran with numerous deployments in support of global contingencies to include operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
He led and commanded two space electronic warfare squadrons. The 4th Space Control Squadron and the 1st Expeditionary Space Control Squadron.

Excellence IN
As a Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies in Washington, D.C., Scott provides extensive space expertise to the Mitchell Institute cadre.
Collaborating with others in the space community to write articles for publication, supporting space panels and debates, and he’s currently writing a book on space command and control.

Excellence IN
Col Brodeur is a USAF Weapons School graduate and instructor and holds Master’s degrees from Central Michigan University, Air Command and Staff College, School of Advanced Air and Space Studies, and US Army War College. Through our partnerships, we provide relevant communications campaigns for the space industry supporting media engagements, strategic communications, branding, social/digital media, diversity/inclusion, sustainability, and environmental communications.
Over 25 years of leadership in the space enterprise and executive-level strategic thinking and strategy development expertise to advise your space strategy, projects and initiatives, contracts, and space operations center challenges.
What We Do
Trifecta Space Solutions, LLC
Providing executive-level space consulting and 25 years of space expertise to advise your company strategy, projects and initiatives, government contracts, or space operations center challenges.

Strategic Consulting
We provide space operations, planning, programming, acquisition, strategic communications and executive space education subject-matter expertise and executive-level support.

Coalition & Commercial Support
We provide expertise to commercial space companies, our coalition space partners and their space operations centers. We have experience with USSPACECOM’s Commercial Integration Cell, SATCOM Integrated Operations Division and Joint Task Force Space Defense Commercial Office. We can assist your marketing efforts with a relevant communications strategy to be seen in today’s competitive space environment. Through our partnerships, we support Coalition space cadre with professional space education programs, continuing space education, and executive-level space courses. We support space exercises and wargames, developing exercise objectives, leading hands-on debriefing, and providing senior mentor support to your space cadre. We advise and support key leader engagements and provide technical solutions for space operations center interoperability with other operations centers, data providers, and space domain awareness capabilities. We have experience working with space partners like Canada, UK, Australia, Japan, France, Germany, South Korea, Italy, and NATO space operations centers.

Keynote Speaking & Writing
Contact us to inquire about speaking engagement availability and to collaborate on writing projects.
Expertise focused on your success